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Hand Surgery
Dr Mauricio pineda


A large area in the field of plastic surgery consists of hand surgeries. These procedures are extremely frequent in modern life. This is due to a high number of traumas in work accidents, car accidents,accidents at home, traumas due to assaults, etc. We must also mention the injuries caused by degenerative diseases such as arthritis of various types or soft tissue and bone tumors. Moreover, a special group that has even more difficult treatments are congenital malformations of the hand.


Although this field of surgery can be performed by certified orthopedists, plastic surgeons in general acquire important skills to carry them out during their training. They are especially complex procedures, and having the best possible results and the least sequelae depends on their correct performance. Whenever you require hand surgery, consider a surgeon who has extensive experience in the field.

Board-certified plastic surgeons usually have the necessary skills.

In our case, this type of procedure is particularly frequent and we perform it in different institutions that count with adequate means for it.


Schedule your appointment for reconstructive surgery in the cities of Manizales and Medellín, it will be a pleasure to assist you!

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