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Tummy Tuck
Dr Mauricio pineda
tummy tuck, abdominoplasty or LIPECTOMy

If your abdomen is globose, has wrinkled skin or stretch marks and scars, you can resort to the best procedure to solve it, Abdominoplasty. This procedure is primarily intended to improve the shape and silhouette of the beltline, although losing weight is the first step for the procedure.

The abdomen is one of the parts of the body with more accumulated fat, contributing to an unwanted figure in most cases. In addition, circumstances such as pregnancy and childbirth or the passing of the years cause the abdomen to lose muscle tone and appear more flaccid. This is why Abdominoplasty is one of the best alternatives to obtain a great change in the abdominal area.

Tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, is one of the most commonly performed cosmetic surgical procedures. In 2021 around 1 million of these surgeries were performed In the world and around 38,000 in Colombia. Factors such as multiple pregnancies and genetics can often contribute to the development of loose skin, fatty deposits, and stretch marks in the abdominal region. Even substantial weight loss can contribute to the development of loose skin on the abdomen. Because these areas often persist despite a good diet and exercise, they can cause the abdomen to appear out of proportion to the rest of the body.

The full tummy tuck removes loose skin, fat deposits, and stretch marks from the abdominal region. In addition, vertical abdominal muscles that have become stretched and weakened over time are tightened, thus restoring the appearance of a firmer, flatter abdomen. Tummy tuck procedures can be performed alone, but are often performed in conjunction with liposuction to further enhance body contours. This is often called lipoabdominoplasty, or 360 contour.

Abdominoplasty should not be considered as a treatment for obesity or as a substitute for a good diet and exercise. People considering a tummy tuck should be healthy and in good physical condition. Future pregnancies and substantial weight changes after a tummy tuck, as well as scarring from previous surgeries may decrease the effectiveness and duration of the treatment.


The duration of a tummy tuck procedure can vary depending on the amount of tissue to be removed, or the need for an additional procedure such as liposuction. However, most tummy tuck procedures last approximately two to four hours. Before beginning the tummy tuck procedure, the treatment area will be cleaned and the incision sites will be marked.

In complex procedures that involve the removal of a large amount of tissue or that are performed in combination with another procedure, general anesthesia is required. But for those less complex procedures, local anesthesia and a sedative may be administered, which will contribute to the comfort and relaxation of the patient.


In general, full tummy tuck procedures require two incisions. The surgeon will make an incision just above the pubic area, extending from one coxal bone to the other. The length of the incision and its shape will depend on the scope of treatment and the contours of the body. Often extended or even circular tummy tucks must be done, going all the way around the trunk. Although the surgeon will attempt to make the incision in a place that can be hidden by a bathing suit or undergarment, it is important to know that the scar will be permanent. A second incision is usually made around the belly button.


Abdominal wall exposure

The skin and layers of fat located above the abdominal wall are separated from it using a cautery device. The tissue is then lifted toward the ribcage to expose the abdominal muscles.


Abdominal muscle tension

To tighten the abdomen, the surgeon will suture the abdominal muscles, pulling them together with very strong sutures, like a corset, which will create a flatter, firmer abdominal wall and a slimmer waist.


Excess Skin Removal

The surgeon will stretch the previously raised layer of skin and fat and place it back firmly against the abdominal wall. Although the belly button remains intact and attached to the abdominal wall, it will be covered by the layer of skin when it is pushed back into place. Therefore, the surgeon will need to make an incision through the layers of skin and fat to create a new hole for the belly button. Hanging skin and fat above the original incision line will be removed.


Incision Closure

To prevent fluid buildup during healing, drainage tubes will likely be placed in the abdomen and remain there for approximately 5-10 days. The incisions will be sutured and bandages and gauze will be placed.

A type of compression bandage will be used afterwards, similar to a girdle. This tight bandage will help reduce swelling by preventing fluid buildup and provide comfort and support throughout the healing process. Depending on the extent of the surgery, it might be needed to wear this compression bandage for several weeks. As with any major surgical procedure, there is pain, bruising, and swelling, which for the most part will subside over the course of a few weeks.

Although standing fully upright might be difficult, it is important to begin to walk for short periods immediately after the procedure in order to facilitate blood flow. The stitches will dissolve over time. However, undissolved stitches will be removed after a week, while sutures can remain in place for up to two weeks.


Most patients can return to work within one to three weeks. Over time, patients can gradually incorporate themselves into normal activities, including heavy lifting and strenuous exercise. Although the scar will be permanent, it will gradually fade over time. It is important to know that pregnancy or substantial weight loss or gain, can compromise the results of the procedure. However, with a good diet and an exercise routine, the excellent results of abdominoplasty can be maintained for several years.


Schedule your appointment for body surgery in the cities of Manizales or Medellín, it will be a pleasure to assist and help you!