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Hyaluronic Acid
Dr Mauricio pineda

When people do not require surgical treatments but still want to look younger and refreshed, hyaluronic acid facial fillers are an excellent tool. It is a filler that focuses on giving volume to certain areas of the face that have lost it, such as nasolabial folds, cheekbones, lips, sides of the mouth, chin, and others.


In today’s world, our preference in plastic surgery is to use substances that are absorbed over time and completely avoid those that remain for long years. This is because we consider that those that disappear over time are much safer, and in case of not very satisfactory results these are reversible.

The application of this molecule (hyaluronic acid) has had enormous expansion in our society. It tends to yield very satisfactory results, being a minimally invasive, in-office procedure and with minimal disabilities.

Do not forget to go to certified plastic surgeons in order to avoid complications as much as possible. It is very important to emphasize that although some procedures appear to be easy, in reality they are not, and their complications and implications can be serious. You must have experience in order to perform them.


Schedule your appointment for face fillers in the cities of Manizales and Medellín, it will be a pleasure to serve you!

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