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Thigh Lift
Dr Mauricio pineda

Sometimes, the inner thighs and their exterior begin to form “hanging” folds after there was significant weight loss on obese patients, similarly to their trunk and abdomen due to the irreversible loss of the skin’s ability to contract.

Said deformities, in addition to being aesthetically undesirable for patients, can also cause skin problems such as irritations and infections. For this reason they seek help in plastic surgery to greatly improve and repair these alterations.


When it comes to the inner side of the thigh, the scar that is planned is a crescent hidden by placing it as high as possible in the inguinal crease. For this reason these scars aren’t very noticeable.

On the other hand, on the outer side of the thigh, if it is necessary to remove rolls or folds of skin and fat, the scar will be more visible. However, depending on the type of healing of each patient and through the use of sunscreen, silicone sheets and massages, the scars will be of very good quality. As in the abdomen, most patients will prefer scars than “dangling” folds that cause problems when dressing or grooming.


Although in general the procedure is not such an extensive surgery, due to its location it does have a higher rate of complications such as bruising or infections. All Weightloss patients are operated under medical insurance coverage for surgical complications inherent to the procedure.


Schedule your appointment for postbariatric plastic surgery in the cities of Manizales and Medellín, it will be a pleasure to assist and help you!

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